Castle Argent Chronicles logo

Castle Argent Chronicles

Fighting Fantasy logo

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain

It's a long trek to the mountain - two days over the plains. When I finally reach it, I sigh with relief and pause for a moment to catch my breath. The mountain is menacing, the red vegetation capping it giving it it's name. I see only one entrance to the mountain, and no activity, so I rest for a moment to catch my breath, check my pack and sharpen my sword, then I head into the mountain, and on to destiny and glory.

My first choices come justs a short way into the mountain, a junction leading east and west. I've always had an affinity for turning left, so I do so now. The passageway is hewn from the stone of the mountain, the path is rough underfoot, but there's only one route, so at least it's easy to follow. The passage turns to the north, and I spot a gobling guard, dozing in a small niche. I sneak past him, not wanting to risk causing a commotion and alerting more guards. If the rest of the enemies are this easily avoided I'll be in and out in short order.

Futher along a door leads off the tunnel, with loud snoring coming from inside - likely the relief guards. I need to know how many guards I'm leaving behind me, so I peak in and take a look. There's just one guard, though there's a box on a table in the middle of the room - it might be useful, maybe it has a map or keys in. I sneak into the room and try and open the box, but fumble it and wake the guard. He doesn't last long against me, and asfter he's dispatched I go back to the box. Dissapointingly it contains a single gold piece. And a mouse.

I head out of the room, back into the tunnel and head north for a little while, before coming across another door, though there's no sound coming from this one.

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Chronicler of Castle Argent

steve-jackson | ian-livingstone